Your Total Event
STRANGE in 1881

The following shows the distribution of the residency of STRANGE (not variants) across English counties in 1881 - the total is 3121. As you will see I have used the Chapman County Codes.   The 'hotbeds' for the name were Berkshire, Surrey, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Middlesex; it might be instructive to repeat the exercise against "where born" - but that's a bigger job!
County Order Population Order
CCC County No.of Entries CCC County No.of Entries
BFD Bedfordshire 20 RUT Rutland 0
BKM Buckinghamshire 94 WES Westmoreland 0
BRK Berkshire 204 CUL Cumberland 1
CAM Cambridgeshire 23 HUN Huntingdonshire 2
CHS Cheshire 51 NBL Northumberland 3
CON Cornwall 6 LIN Lincolnshire 4
CUL Cumberland 1 NTT Nottinghamshire 5
DBY Derbyshire 60 HEF Hereford 5
DEV Devon 16 CON Cornwall 6
DOR Dorset 152 NFK Norfolk 8
DUR Durham 14 STS Staffordshire 9
ESS Essex 102 DUR Durham 14
GLS Gloucestershire 299 MON Monmouth 16
HAM Hampshire 143 DEV Devon 16
HEF Hereford 5 BDF Bedfordshire 20
HRT Hertfordshire 38 NTH Northamptonshire 23
HUN Huntingdonshire 2 CAM Cambridgeshire 23
KEN Kent 123 LEI Leicestershire 30
LAN Lancashire 133 YKS Yorkshire 35
LEI Leicestershire 30 HRT Hertfordshire 38
LIN Lincolnshire 4 WAR Warwickshire 40
MDX Middlesex 486 SAL Shropshire 43
MON Monmouth 16 WOR Worcestershire 47
NBL Northumberland 3 CHS Cheshire 51
NFK Norfolk 8 SFK Suffolk 53
NTH Northamptonshire 23 SSX Sussex 56
NTT Nottinghamshire 5 SOM Somerset 56
OXF Oxfordshire 112 DBY Derbyshire 60
RUT Rutland 0 BKM Buckinghamshire 94
SAL Shropshire 43 ESS Essex 102
SFK Suffolk 53 OXF Oxfordshire 112
SOM Somerset 56 KEN Kent 123
SRY Surrey 296 LAN Lancashire 133
SSX Sussex 56 HAM Hampshire 143
STS Staffordshire 9 DOR Dorset 152
WAR Warwickshire 40 BRK Berkshire 204
WES Westmorland 0 SRY Surrey 296
WIL Wiltshire 313 GLS Gloucestershire 299
W0R Worcestershire 47 WIL Wiltshire 313
YKS Yorkshire 35 MDX Middlesex 486
Total:   3121